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Change :)
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I Just Want To Pull Down Your Panties And Fuck You
Married To The Streets
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+44 7723 018520 created the group ʻCHANGE :)ʼ
+44 7723 018520 added you
+44 7723 018520 ~ Red Ed
Hi all. I know I’ve not been in touch with some of you for a long time so apologies for messaging out of the blue like this but I’d like your help to bring about CHANGE :) ! The election is coming and whether you love or hate Corbyn, we will either end up with a far-right hard Brexit under Boris Johnson or a 2nd referendum and Green Industrial Revolution for a carbon neutral economy by 2030, £10 minimum wage and free university education Norway-style social democracy under Labour. I would like to share links to help have an informed debate given the biased mainstream media. if you are able to share any of the media you agree with on your social media we can help have a more balanced and informed campaign than will be possible if people’s main source of information is the BBC. If you don’t want to receive these links please remove yourself from the group. Hope ur blossoming warm wishes, Eddie x
+44 7765 680205 left the group
+44 7904 924115 left the group
+44 7766 878263 left the group
+44 7950 241500 left the group
+44 7725 978362 left the group
+44 7793 045700 left the group
+44 7843 574429 left the group
+44 7743 504423 left the group
+44 7490 169709 left the group
+44 7980 908414 left the group
+44 7478 949166 left the group
+44 7762 320814 left the group
+44 7999 281079 left the group
+44 7545 265555 ~ Vegan Veritas
Hi Ed, thx for msg. I’ll b voting labour even though I’m not sure about Corbyn. Anything to get this lot out and maybe get a second ref.
+44 7779 286544 left the group
+44 7716 016664 left the group
+44 7453 779030 left the group
+44 7775 308146 left the group
+44 7800 569507 left the group
+44 7595 707622 left the group
+44 7539 764992 left the group
+44 7505 900824 left the group
+44 7525 430943 left the group
+44 7545 265555 left the group
+44 7956 859558 ~ Lowercase_Guy
Who is Ed? Who added me? Britain does not need a general election. What it needs is a military general!
[jpg: shrugging man]
+44 7979 008162 ~ Marshmellow Man
Who dis? Can we get a Norway style Brexit?
+44 7843 585476 left the group
+44 7801 149075 left the group
+44 7958 742368 left the group
+44 7816 604484 left the group
+44 7958 045388 left the group
+44 7903 590639 left the group
+44 7950 931268 left the group
+44 7769 357858 ~ GlitterSparklePuss
Hey @Red_Ed. Haven’t heard from you since I told you I didn’t want to sleep with u and u got upset. Hope ur doing better and aren’t so predatory. Will def be voting labour though, look forward to the links :)
+32 475 92 86 35 left the group
+44 7956 859558 ~ Lowercase_Guy
Who is Eddie? Show ur face! People are leaving this group like Brexit !!
+44 7905 935694 left the group
+44 7956 859558 ~ Lowercase_Guy
+44 7769 357858 ~ GlitterSparklePuss
Hey @Red_Ed. Haven’t heard from you since I told you I didn’t want to sleep with u and u got upset. Hope ur doing better and aren’t so predatory. Will def be voting labour though, look forward to the links :)
Lol who is @Red_Ed??
+44 7979 008162 ~ Marshmellow Man
Hahahahaha @GlitterSparklePuss, whoever you are that was fucking legendary
+44 7849 393034 left the group
+44 7816 624481 left the group
+44 7702 778680 left the group
+44 7776 006006 left the group
+44 7956 859558 ~ Lowercase_Guy
If Ed does not identify who they are I am out of here
+49 1525 9798906 ~ Random Idiot
Would like to see the manifestos first in order to make an informed deicsion. Definitely do not trust cons. Lib dem are more likely to have a referendum than labour (corbyn does not look favourably at the eu). Cheers!
+44 7979 998219 left the group
+44 7815 654484 left the group
+44 7979 008162 ~ Marshmellow Man
Anyone here from Canterbury?
+44 7460 682464 ~ Lollipop Princess
What the hell
+44 7411 844985 left the group
+44 7460 682464 ~ Lollipop Princess
Do not add me without my consent first
+32 492 39 47 68 left the group
+44 7717 285670 ~ Eve *Stop HS2*
It’s so funny someone already mentioned no more contact since refusing to sleep with Eddie… This was also me. Wouldn’t call you predatory though… Quite passionate and somewhat sleazy yes. But that passion shows in your politics too ;)
+44 7460 682464 left the group
+44 7834 862716 ~ Yors Tru Lee
I’m voting labour. C ya on the other side Eddie. Thnks for the effort
+44 7904 049491~ Piotr El Gryko
Hi Ed, thanks for adding me to this group. I plan to vote against the tories/hard right government. This means ideally libdem or labour depending on which works out for tactical voting.
+44 7506 433203 ~ Name is a Country
I don’t vote. Thnx.
+44 7979 008162 ~ Marshmellow Man
Why am I in Red Ed’s failed hareem group text?
+44 7723 018520 ~ Red Ed
+44 7921 925111 left the group
+44 7506 433203 left the group
+44 7470 041911 ~ Muchos Muchos Marley
Sending you love and supporting Corbyn… But I’m on too many social messaging groups. Ciao .)
+44 7956 859558 ~ Lowercase_Guy
Okay am out this group is strange thats two people refusing to sleep with Red Ed
+44 7470 041911 left the group
+44 7971 032074 left the group
+44 7723 018520 ~ Red Ed
Thanks okay
Thanks for the messages
+44 7857 165138 left the group
+44 7555 718015 left the group
+44 7734 533827 left the group
+44 7508 024130 ~ Yuliana Not Juliana
Dunno what this is but will vote for labour
+44 7932 142975 ~ Kareema Gopta
Good luck with the campaign. I will also be voting against far right politics. Don’t want to receive upda
tes here. Hope you are well.
+44 7932 142975 left the group
+44 7508 024130 left the group
+44 7728 919449 left the group
+44 7757 365306 left the group
+44 7956 859558 ~ Lowercase_Guy
Please who is Eddie?
+44 7850 466910 ~ iHole
Who cares?
+44 7850 466910 left the group
+44 7804 426556 left the group
+44 7854 488586 ~ Kristy ʻPower-Balladʼ Turlington
Hi Edward, I also haven’t seen you since I was 17 (back in 2013, I believe?) when at least you weren’t actually sure whether or not you wanted to sleep with me. I would leave the group but am finding this all too entertaining…
+44 7817 732542 ~ Jess
+44 7956 859558 ~ Lowercase_Guy
Please who is Eddie?
Seriously I’d love to know too :)
+44 7814 032502 left the group
+44 7979 008162 ~ Marshmellow Man
Burning man, group texting, corbyn voting Casanova
I’m guessing i’m here because some girl gave him a random number?
+44 7592 949791 left the group
+44 7956 859558 ~ Lowercase_Guy
Who is he where did he get my number from? What kind of fuckery is this
+44 7446 039423 ~ Lil Kikko
Hey Ed, why have you never tried to sleep with me? I’m offended
+44769 357858 ~ GlitterSparklePuss
:D :D
+44 7446 039423 ~ Lil Kikko
[gif: girl sticking out tongue]
+44 7817 732542 ~ Jess
+44 7446 039423 ~ Lil Kikko
Hey @Red_Ed, why have you never tried to sleep with me? I’m offended
+44 7979 008162 changed the group description. Tap to view.
+44 7920 056935 left the group
+44 7723 018520 ~ Red Ed
+44 7956 859558 ~ Lowercase_Guy
Please who is Eddie?
@Lowercase_Guy it’s Ed from self-empowerment spoken word event years ago
+44 7813 708108 left the group
+44 7577 985854 left the group
+44 7817 732542 left the group
+44 7834 767654 left the group
+ 44 7956 859 558 ~ Lowercase_Guy
Haha yeeeaaaars ago and you are only just getting in touch? All politicians are the same. We need to cancel democracy
+44 7835 323882 left the group
+44 7598 144209 left the group
+44 7847 035174 left the group
+44 7723 018520 ~ Red Ed
Furious Theresa May snaps at Tory MPs for mocking Jeremy Corbyn’s Grenfell tie
As families of those who died looked on from the public galleries, some Tory MPs decided to mock the bright green tie
+44 7761 963737 ~ Tech Bro
I’ve slept with Ed loads of times. He’s pretty good. You lot are missing out.
+44 7723 018520 ~ Red Ed
Oh guys this is really really embarrassing
+44 7979 008162 ~ Marshmellow Man
I would sleep with him if I had any idea who the fuck he was
+44 7769 357858 ~ GlitterSparklePuss
+44 7761 963737 ~ Tech Bro
I’ve slept with Ed loads of times. He’s pretty good. You lot are missing out.
Not really that funny
+44 7723 018520 ~ Red Ed
I thought I’d make a big Whatsapp group and do my bit to help with the election.
+44 7979 008162 ~ Marshmellow Man
Mate this is definitely going on reddit
+44 7904 839543 left the group
+44 7723 018520 ~ Red Ed
@GlitterSparklePuss I don’t know how to respond to your message apart from it’s years since I’ve seen u and I wish you’d have said at the time
+44 7474 454151 left the group
+44 7956 859558 left the group
+44 7981 273084 left the group
+44 7889 364743 ~ Butt Smasher
I want an environmentally sustainable economy, human rights for everyone, end to the arms trade, no more borders, a free and fair society. I’m voting labour.
+44 7723 018520 removed +44 7583 117701
+44 7723 018520 removed +44 7903 584041
+44 7723 018520 removed +44 7979 008162
+44 7723 018520 removed +44 7769 357858
+49 1525 9798906 ~ Random Idiot
Please do not close this group… this has honestly made my day
+44 7932 972424 left the group
+44 7761 963737 ~ Tech Bro
Ed may have ended up swinging the election for the tories the way this is going.
+44 7723 018520 left the group
+44 7811 943148 left the group
+44 7905 795311 left the group
+44 7948 245803 left the group
+44 7954 158322 ~ Liam
Hey Ed! how are you? Been ages! I like your dream for 2030 may it happen! Will be voting tactically for remain. Either libdem or labour i’m delighted lab offering peoples vote if they win that’s a good move i will watch for updates with interest xliam
+44 7790 781498 left the group
+44 7977 511075 left the group
+44 7988 420263 left the group
+44 7472 476389 left the group
+44 7593 104049 left the group
+44 7551 225315 left the group
+44 7792 057381 left the group
+44 7920 004590 ~ lotusoftheskies
+44 7761 963737 ~ Tech Bro
Ed may have end up swinging the election for the tories the way this is going.
Definitely ʻswingingʼ
+44 7760 504393 left the group
+44 7904 049491 left the group
+61 439 306 357 left the group
+44 7929 302796 left the group
+44 7717 285670 left the group
+44 7701 072434 ~ Jody
Good luck with this! I am not yet eligible to vote yet but sad to see the way the conversation is going,. Right wing trolls r real.
+44 7701 072434 left the group
+49 1525 9798906 ~ Paul
Have not met ‘ed’ yet…but we have spoken a few times on the phone to discuss my parties. He comes across as a very thoughtful guy. I like to think some of those comments above are about the younger version of him… He seems very likeable. just thought I would be a little more positive…
+44 7735 234045 left the group
+44 7880 760451 left the group
+44 7861 293426 ~ Anna Lisa
Sending all good wishes to you ed.
+44 7801 547859 left the group
+44 7861 293426 left the group
+44 7763 668549 ~ Guen Benedetto
Hi ed! I can’t vote as not british but i usually canvass and do outreach with other groups - I’ve gathered this is about labour … fingers crossed folks!
+44 7763 668549 left the group
+44 7765 356372 ~ Anita Sixsmith
Who is this?
+44 7544 045014 left the group
+44 7738 091530 left the group
+44 7514 732885 left the group
+44 7760 193337 left the group
+44 7459 822331 lef
t the group
+44 7479 859275 left the group
+44 7772 174155 left the group
+44 7734 204705 left the group
+44 7776 351705 left the group
+44 7532 032823 left the group
+44 7814 737028 left the group
+44 7927 132522 left the group
+44 7765 356372 ~ Anita Sixsmith
This isnt eds number
Your sending messages to the wrong number
+44 7952 645236 left the group
+44 7551 939242 left the group
+44 7910 675357 left the group
+44 7766 395558 ~ Chazzy ChaChing
Going to vote! Let’s make a change
+44 7765 356372 ~ Anita Sixsmith
We are not eddie
+44 7834 862716 ~ Yors Tru Lee
@GlitterSparklePuss.. u r missing out… Ed’s got a huge cucumber!..
+44 7765 356372 ~ Anita Sixsmith
Your sending messages to the wrong number we are not eddie
+44 7512 843141 ~ Star O’Reilly
This is a group chat Anita
+44 7765 356372 ~ Anita Sixsmith
Group chat with who?
+44 7512 843141 ~ Star O’Reilly
Group chat with everyone in the group. What year r u living in?
+44 7980 500548 left the group
+44 7712 421368 ~ Imogen
Failed harem indeed! @GlitterSparklePuss & eve and I had a similar experience, think of all the other women whom have found themselves in a predatory situation with Ed. I thought we could be friends until I realised being female meant I didn’t have a choice in his advances. My friend also experienced his unwelcome advances. We agreed to stay away.
It looks as though your address book is full of bad decisions Eddie. Hope you change your ways.
+44 7570 852899 left the group
+44 7853 677808 left the group
+44 7789 740193 ~ El Duccio
Anyone up for a halloween party?
+44 7453 859858 left the group